Immigration Attorney in Columbia, MD
Practice Areas
The Lincoln Law Group specializes in advocating for our clients in a variety of practice areas including immigration, tax controversies, family law, criminal law, and personal injury. We are not just lawyers; our background of a former U.S. Military commander projects the utmost respect at the table.

A wide range of legal issues can challenge immigrants as they seek to pursue a residency in the United States.

Immigration law is a separate and complex field within the legal system. Individuals who come to the United States for a variety of reasons have certain protections afforded to them by Congress. Once you are here, even illegally, your deportation is not automatic. As an immigrant, you do have certain Due Process rights, which include the right to be informed of the immigration-related consequences of your pleas in a court of law as well as effective assistance of counsel. Having an immigration lawyer can be highly useful for your case.
If you have not been informed that you will, or may, be deported for pleading guilty to a crime, you may afterward challenge your deportation on the ground of ineffective assistance of counsel. If you have helped the government in prosecuting a crime, a U-visa may be available for you to reside permanently in the United-States. As a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you have the right to petition for your relatives or fiancé to reside with you in the United-States. If you fear persecution upon returning to your home country, you are entitled to asylum. Your permanent residency in the United States may be just one consultation away.
If you live in Columbia or Silver Spring or Montgomery County, MD, get in touch with our immigration attorney to keep your legal rights protected.
A Lawyer with Extensive Personal Experience in Handling Immigration Requests
Make no mistake that our background as a former U.S. military commander commands respect in your behalf. As a first-generation immigrant who achieved the American dream, from being a U.S. Marine and a U.S. Army officer commanding in combat to serving as an attorney, Mitterand Jean-Francois (Mitt) strives to extend the promise of America to all who live in the United States. Our unmatched ability to research immigration laws added to our extensive training, and personal experience in the immigration process, guarantee to put a human face on your case.
Peace of Mind from the Care of an Immigrant Lawyer
Your immigration need is unique. When you entrust your immigration concerns to the care of an immigrant lawyer with the unmatched personal experience in petitioning the Immigration Office, in a broad range of immigration matters, you can rest assured that that your applications and filings will be handled expeditiously. We will not relent until your immigration needs are met. You may need to file a petition for a parent, child, or spouse to come live with you in the United States. Or you may need to adjust a conditional status to a permanent green card, renew your green card, or become a citizen. You may be even facing deportation. We will accompany, and fight for, you until the end. We have the requisite expertise prevent mistakes, clarify your options, and offer you a clear path to citizenship.
Facing Deportation?
If you have not been informed that you will, or may, be deported for pleading guilty to a crime, you may afterward challenge your deportation on the ground of ineffective assistance of counsel. If you have helped the government in prosecuting a crime, a U-visa may be available for you to reside permanently in the United-States. As a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you have the right to petition for your relatives or fiancé to reside with you in the United-States. If you fear persecution upon returning to your home country, you are entitled to asylum. Your permanent residency in the United States may be just one consultation away.
Our Immigration Legal Services Include:
- Petition for an Alien Relative’s Green Card
- Application for U.S. Citizenship
- Application for a U.S. Visa
- Application for an Employment-Based Visa
- Cancellation of Removal from the United States
- Asylum